28 November 2011

"Slapped cheek" rash

Yet another odd childhood ailment we've recently discovered! It's called Fifth Disease for some reason, and is a human version of the Parvo virus. Luckily, it's not serious, but these later (post-contagious) stages involve a sad looking rash. Which, yes, is called "slapped check rash" because it mostly makes the cheeks red and blotchy, with more "lacey" rash on arms and legs.

And no, we didn't slap her cheeks! Luckily, she seems to be feeling ok, and nobody else in the Ward household is affected. Yet.

Dinnertime happiness

They're such cuties. (And Lela's such a ham!)

25 November 2011

Sitting pretty

Happy Thanksgiving!

I confess up front that I did not do a good job taking pictures during Thanksgiving yesterday. What I have are sort of a random collection of moments and odd poses. So here they are. Enjoy, and we hope your Thanksgiving was wonderful!
 Smiley Kennedy, like always
Harvey & Julia, chillin' before dinner

I'm not sure what the next few pictures are. All I can say is that Resli got a hold of the camera...



 Resli and Kennedy!

 Liz and Kennedy!


 The grown ups' table

 The kids' table

 The baby table, complete with hat

Ah, there she is

21 November 2011

More travels

Kennedy and I took another trip this past weekend. We went to Denver, Colorado for the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages annual convention. You may recall that we went to Denver last year too, although of course this was Kennedy's first time. 
This was also her first time on a plane. She did wonderfully, and entertained everyone on all four planes with her cooing and gurgling and smiling. 

When we arrived, this sign in the convention center welcomed us!

The first thing we did when we got to the hotel was check out the bed. Luckily it met with the approval of even the harshest critic. (Kennedy did in fact have her own crib, complete with baby toiletries supplied by the hotel... but I confess she ended up spending more time in the real bed with me.)

Another exciting part of the trip was all the fun restaurants we got to try out. Here we are at a great Thai place, sitting on the floor. Of course, that's pretty much par for the course with Kennedy.

She enjoyed the breakfast buffet at our hotel, as well. 

It was cooler there than it is in Florida, so Kennedy got a chance to show off her fun winter gear. This owl hat got appreciative comments from every passerby we met. (It is pretty adorable...)

And this heavy-duty snow suit did its job but was not as much fun to wear. (You know it's bad if Kennedy isn't smiling, she smiles all the time!)

The conference itself was also fun. It's the first time I've been and not presented, so it was like a little vacation for me, catching up with colleagues from other places, seeing old friends, etc. We went to a few talks, although Kennedy's newfound trick of "talking" loudly prevented much more attendance. 
My biggest disappointment was the fact that, for liability reasons, Kennedy was not allowed in the exhibit hall - which is one of the reasons to go to the conference in the first place! I know it's their policy and all, but it was frustrating and discouraging to me. A friend, in protest, photoshopped this picture: 
(I'm thinking of posting it on ACTFL's facebook page...!)

As usual, Kennedy behaved wonderfully and was the ideal travel companion. I am, however, glad that I'm not planning any more trips for the near future!

16 November 2011

5 meses, and a challenge for you

It's the 16th of the month and you know what that means: monthly picture time!
So here we are today wishing Little Miss Kennedy a happy five months!
And here's the reader challenge: Do you notice anything new and special about this month's pose?

New perspectives

As Kennedy continues to grow and get stronger, she's enjoying all kinds of new perspectives on life. 
Upright perspectives!

And we even got out the old high chair so she can keep us company at dinner! 

Things look very different from this vertical, as opposed to horizontal, perspective!

10 November 2011

Preschool pictures

Lela and Kennedy's school had their pictures taken a few weeks ago. We got some good (and some only ok) results. 
Here's big sister Lela. Unfortunately, Kennedy - as it turns out - was sick that day with an ear infection. No wonder she wasn't smiling!

The next day the photographers were back to take pictures of just the older kids. 
Lela went all out with the biggest smiles she could manage. 
Good posture, too.
But this one is my favorite by far. It is soooo very Lela-esque!

08 November 2011

Laryngitis is 'awesome'

At least according to Resli, because of all the funny sounds she can make. 

Of course, the ear infection that accompanies this laryngitis is less fun. :(

Baptism and saints

Sunday was an important day at church. For one thing, it was the celebration of All Saints Day. The children dressed up as their "favorite" saints and shared information with everyone about their lives and deeds. 
Resli was Mary (the "Mary mother of God daughter of St. Anne" one, not the other one, as she was quick to point out):

Lela was St. Catherine of Siena. Unfortunately, her costume was a bit uncomfortable so by the time the camera came out she had taken off most of it. If I locate a picture I'll update.

The other event of the day was Kennedy's baptism. No pictures of the actual water and oil deal, but here's a shot of the guest of honor with parents and godparents, as well as Rev. Loch.

Every behaved well . . . saint-like, even.

06 November 2011

Let the Gator Growl!

This weekend was homecoming at UF, so there was lots of celebrating to do.
Friday we went to the parade. (There's no school - universities, public schools, nothing - on Homecoming Friday in Gainesville!)  Lela thought the sirens were pretty loud,

But we loved seeing Albert and Alberta drive by! 

It was beautiful weather, 

and we were with all of Resli's girl scout friends.

We all got tired though. This is Lela sitting on my left leg, Resli lying on my right leg, and Kennedy in the Snugli.

And then on Saturday we went to the football game! Kennedy sat that one out, but it was Resli and Lela's first experience in the Swamp.

Lots of students from my department were there, so we were in good company. 

Resli and Lela seemed to really enjoy the game. It was crowded and loud and a little chilly, but they cheered and watched and stayed pretty involved.

We made it through the third quarter before we left.

And Lela wasn't in her seat 2 minutes before she zonked out.

Not something we'll do every weekend, but good for a treat every once in a while.