12 February 2012

Hey you guyyyyys!

To follow up on Resli's birthday festivities, we had a big party at our house Saturday. Because Resli  - and Lela and, let's face it, Harvey and I - all love the new Electric Company show, we decided to make that the theme of the party.
The invitations started with Hey You Guyyyys! and asked Resli's friends to come help the Electric Company celebrate her birthday. These are the folks from the real electric company, who were of course there in spirit.

Before everyone got there, we did some decorating. 
And Resli and Lela helped prepare the goodie bags.
The bags contained pencils, notepads, magnets with the logo, some word search type worksheets from the PBS website, 
and word balls. If you don't watch the show you may not know what a word ball is, but they're among the 'skills' that the Electric Company members have. This is what they look like:
So I made rice krispy treats with alphabet cereal, and dyed them blue. This is how they turned out. Not perfect, but close. 
And when the friends all arrived, we had a bunch of fun games planned. 
We had word-making relay races. 

We played freeze-dance.

We had a story separated into different pages, and each person got one page and had to draw the sentence. Then we worked to put them in the right order.
We also played a brief game of pictionary.

Then it was cake time. For the cake I tried my best to reproduce the Electric Company (new) logo.
For comparison, here it is:
Here's my cake.
(We also had snacks of apples, grapes, and Scrabble Cheeze-Its.) 

Then Resli opened the wonderful presents her friends brought.

When it was time to start heading home, we handed out the goodie bags. Everyone dug right into their word balls which, we discovered, have an interesting side effect of turning teeth, lips and tongue very blue!

All in all, it was a great party, blue mouths aside, and everyone had fun. Resli was an extremely gracious hostess, and she and Lela behaved wonderfully.
They're growing up so fast. 

1 comment:

Jen said...

Sounds like a great birthday!!!