Today, for example, she claimed she matched because both top and shorts had polka-dots. It's hard to argue with the logic, even if you have to blur your eyes a little to bear looking at her...
Luckily, the 5-year-old has a slightly better sense of "outfit" planning, at least in the traditional sense.
When the new school year starts, Resli will be confined by the new dress code policy in our public schools. But Lela, well, she has three more years of free-spirited dressing before she has to limit her imagination!
I love Lela's reasoning - it reminds me of her mother when she was little. I hope Resli doesn't have too hard a time with her school dress code. She's so imaginative, I'm sure she'll find a way to express herself.
I think a more accurate statement is that Lela has a very STRONG fashion sense.
Perhaps "unique" or "individual." They both look adorable...
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