27 May 2012

Cedar Key adventures

Today was a beautiful Sunday and the second day of a three-day weekend. So we packed up and headed over to Cedar Key for some fun. We started with a seaside lunch, 

which everyone enjoyed. 
Then on a whim we decided to take one of the Island Bout tours. Resli's hat blew into the water so she was sort of sulky to start, 
but the kind gentlemen on the pier got it out for her and returned it to us! 
Anyone under 12 had to wear a life jacket.  Yes, even infants.
Then for two hours we toured the islands, enjoyed the sun and the sea spray and had a grand old time. Although it was very windy...

The captain pointed out that we were in an area where we might be able to see dolphins, so of course Resli and Lela were immediately on the lookout. (Don't tell anyone but they were really looking for mermaids...)
It turns out, he was right! It was amazing to see so many dolphins up close, and so eager to interact with the boat. (The captain said that they often come over to investigate when they hear little kids squealing...)

We also passed through some breathtakingly beautiful little island areas. 

And then to top it all off, once we got back to shore (as Resli pointed out to everyone, "land ho!"), we enjoyed a quick scoop of ice cream to recover from the heat and sun.

Finally, the perfect ending to a perfect day: as we returned to Gainesville, we saw an amazing rainbow across the whole sky. 
I'd like to say that's a harbinger of great things to come, although realistically speaking I think it's more a precursor of Tropical Storm Beryl's arrival.

Begging for kisses

Kennedy loves to give kisses and hugs on request. Unfortunately, unlike a trained pony, she's not always entirely reliable. 
But she's still pretty darn cute.

20 May 2012

Meeting Ruby!

You may or may not have heard, blogfans, that Resli, Lela and Kennedy's Aunt Liz and Uncle Brian had the honor of welcoming their first daughter, Ruby Sue Moore, to the world this past week - on May 16th to be exact. Harvey got to meet her that same day, but the rest of us had to wait until Saturday, when we all drove up for a brief visit.
We didn't want to take too much time, as we remember all too well how hard those first few days at home are, but we did want Kennedy and Ruby to meet, since they're less than a year apart in age. Here is that magical moment...

Resli and Lela and I gave Liz and Brian a swaddle lesson, because we all still believe that a good swaddle is a miracle for a newborn!

Harvey used the time to teach Kennedy his patented point-at-the-camera photo technique. She hasn't mastered the cheesy grin that accompanies his point, but she's working on it. 

We were all so glad to meet Ruby and to be able to congratulate the parents in person!

The many faces of breakfast

by Kennedy L. Ward
(with a brief cameo from Lela)

Music appreciation

As you may know, Harvey is a huge Jimmy Buffet fan, and has done all he can to instill this musical love in his children. One day they encountered the song, "They Don't Dance Like Carmen No More." Lela asked who Carmen was, which prompted a mini-lesson the late great Carmen Miranda
And now Lela thinks Carmen is just about the coolest thing ever. And we're ok with that. 
The rain boots add a nice touch, don't you think?

16 May 2012

Another month older

Here we are, the 16th of May. Do you know what that means?


I know! It is hard to believe, isn't it?

Life is crazy!

Mothers Day Brunch with Lela (and a bit extra)

Last Friday Lela's class had a lovely Mothers' Day brunch at school. 
Before that, she and I had to stop at the pediatrician's office for a quick check-up, so we took advantage to feed some ducks. 

(By the way, it was also pajama day at school, hence the special outfit...)
Then we headed over to school.
The class paraded in and wished us a happy mothers' day.
They came over and presented us with a lovely gift they'd made. 
And we all enjoyed some snacks and some hugs.
It was a wonderful morning.

08 May 2012

Literary Tea

In Resli's Project Friends (the multi-age classrooms) classes they've been working on writing their own books. We're not just talking about jotting a few things down, we're talking about real stories, typed up, printed in real books, and illustrated. Resli has been telling us about it for weeks and if you know anything about Resli, blogfans, it's the she loves books and writing and reading. So I'm sure you can imagine how exciting it was for her to celebrate their Literary Tea last week, when they finally got to share their books. 
They invited friends and family to their classrooms, where all the kids read their books to the guests. Grandma and Granddaddy were the first to hear Resli's story. 
It was about three friends who went on an adventure...

... and ran into a witch! 
(We love this illustration. They escape the witch and she's so surprised that they got away that she yells "What?!?")
I won't spoil the ending for you. But I will brag just a little. I listened to several stories, from kindergarteners, first graders and second graders. Resli's was not only the most interesting (ok, I might be a bit biased in my opinion...), but it was also the most complex, well-developed, complete story I heard. It had characters, it had dialogue, it had plot development, it even had humor thrown in. This was not your standard "I like horses. Horses are pretty." story! I was very proud of her.
Her teacher, Ms. Ashley, and the guidance counselor, Ms. Armstrong, were also very proud of her!
Great job, Resli! And great job, Glen Springs!