28 May 2011

Daisy Scout "bridging ceremony"

At the end of the school year, the Girl Scouts celebrate their "bridging" ceremony. This is usually to mark the occasion of a Daisy moving to a Brownie Troop, or a Brownie moving to a Girl Scout Troop, so it involved girls of all ages.

In Resli's case, though, she'll still be a Daisy next year since you have to be in 2nd grade before you can be a Brownie. So she did her handshake and pledge thing, 

but she and her two other kindergartener friends celebrated the fact that they'll be awesome Daisies for another year. 

We enjoyed learning about Daisies and making friends and had a great year. We're excited for another one!

1 comment:

Melissa said...

Congratulations Resli!